Outdoor burning shall be limited to the burning of untreated lumber, packaging, grass, leaves, tree trimmings (no larger than 8” in diameter), natural brush and vegetation; provided that it is in an approved burn pile and generated only from the property where the burn is to take place.
Household garbage, tires, treated lumber, non-wooden construction or demolition materials, furniture, carpet, electrical wire, appliances, electrical insulation, plastics, heavy oils, asphaltic materials, potentially explosive materials, chemical wastes, or items that contain natural or synthetic rubber shall not be burned.
Burning shall be commenced and conducted only when wind direction and other meteorological conditions are such that smoke and other pollutants will not cause adverse effects to any public road, landing strip, navigable water, or off-site structure containing sensitive receptor(s).
If at any time the burning causes or may tend to cause smoke to blow onto or across a road or Highway, so as to obscure the vision of motorist the fire shall be extinguished.
Burning must be conducted downwind of, or at least, three hundred (300) feet (ninety (90) meters) from any structure containing sensitive receptors located on adjacent properties unless prior written approval is obtained from the adjacent occupant with possessory control. Evidence of such written permission shall be located on the site of the burn and be available for inspection at the request of the City’s fire inspector.
Burning shall be conducted in compliance with the following meteorological and timing considerations:
The initiation of burning shall commence no earlier than sunrise and be completed on the same day not later than sunset. A responsible party shall be present at all times during the active burn phase and when the fire is progressing. In cases where residual fires and/or smoldering objects continue to emit smoke after this time, such areas shall be extinguished if the smoke from these areas has the potential to create a nuisance or traffic hazard condition. In no case shall the extent of the burn area be allowed to increase after this time.
Burning shall not be commenced when surface wind speed is predicted to be less than six (6) miles per hour (mph) (five (5) knots) or greater than twenty-three (23) mph (twenty (20) knots) during the burn period.
Burning shall not be conducted during periods of actual or predicted persistent low-level atmospheric temperature inversions.
Due to radiant heat, the burn area must be no closer than fifty (50) feet from any structure.
Attendance: Any open burning shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished.
Means of Suppression: Fire extinguishing equipment shall be available for immediate use such as, but not limited to, a water hose connected to a water supply, portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating, water barrel, dirt, sand, front end loader or water truck. The fire-extinguishing equipment that is available on site shall be comparable to the size of the fire.
Residential lots: Burn piles on residential lots (less than ½ acre) are limited in size to no greater than 5 feet X 5 feet in width and 4 feet in height. No more than one pile is to be burned at one time.
Open Lots: Burn piles on open land of at least ½ acre or larger are limited to 10 feet X 10 feet in width and 10 feet in height. No more than one pile is to be burned at one time. Burn barrels when used within guidelines. No trash shall be burned. Size of burn piles can be changed by special permit.
Burn Ban: When outdoor burning bans are instituted the ban will supersede this article and outdoor burning authorized by this article will be prohibited except by special permit until the ban is lifted.
If at any time the City determines that a proposed outdoor burn cannot be conducted without a risk to health, safety or property, the City shall notify the responsible person and the burn shall not be authorized. If the burn is already underway at the time of the determination, then the responsible party shall immediately extinguish the fire. If the responsible party cannot be located or refuses to extinguish the fire, the Fire Department is authorized to enter the property and extinguish the fire.